Dear Parents,
Just because we are not in school for two weeks, doesn’t mean we don’t want your children reading every day. That’s why we decided to make reading over break more fun!
Please use this BINGO card to color in the different reading activities as your child(ren) experience them. For each BINGO that is completed your child will earn a raffle ticket. If your child completes the whole card, they will earn 15 raffle tickets. BINGO Cards are due to the library on Friday, January 10th. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD’S FIRST AND LAST NAME ARE ON THEIR CARDS. The reading raffle will take place the week of January 13th.
Thank you for your support with this initiative. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Schaab. If you have any fun pictures to share during reading BINGO, please also share those with Mrs. Schaab as well. We love seeing readers and sharing pictures in the LRC.
Have a wonderful winter break!
Mrs. Caroline Schaab!